When a user goes to edit a document, they may encounter a situation where another user is actively editing that document. There are 2 main ways we expect this to appear.

The expected situations

Situation 1: Workflow Participants editing the document


  • In the situation of workflow participants (ie. Approvers) editing a document that has been submitted to them, one of the previous approvers may be making edits when the current approver goes in to make edits. When the new approver selects "Edit" they will encounter this message.


  • If you encounter this, you may either talk to the person listed - they currently have the draft document open, they may finalize their changes and submit the document.
  • You may also select "Force Checkout" - when doing this, whoever has the draft document will then be prompted with the same message if they try to make edits

Situation 2: Non-Workflow participants Editing the document 


  • In the situation of non-workflow participants (ie. other users with edit access to the document) attempt to edit a document which is currently being edited by the author, they will encounter this Error message


  • If you encounter this message, the user listed in the error message must finalize their edits before others may make edits.