Your home page on Kaseware is where you will find the bulk of your work, and you can modify several aspects of it to fit your workflow. Below you will find some helpful tips on adjusting your home page to best fit your needs.
Kaseware Home Page
Parts of the home page
"Widgets" are each of the modules on your home page. There are several different available widgets that you can add to your home page depending on what you would like to see and do. Depending on your tenant configuration, some of the options seen below may not be available.
At the bottom right corner of the home screen, you will see a + button which when clicked will show the available widgets you can add to your home screen. Alternatively, you can right-click on the home screen, and this same menu will show up.
There will be several options in each of those menus to choose from. Feel free to add several and explore.
If you have several widgets on your home screen, you may have to scroll down to see the most recently added ones.
If you would like to remove a particular widget, you can simply click the (X) icon at the top right of that widget.
Similar to how you would re-size a chrome tab, for instance, you can re-size the widgets on the home page. By hovering your mouse over a corner, once you see the ↔ or ↕, click and drag that edge into the position you would like.
In the bottom left corner there is a ↕ icon - Clicking on this will try to fit all of the widget you have onto the same screen.
Using the ↕ button may cause your widgets to become very small if you have several widgets on the same screen
You are also able to drag and drop the widgets into different positions on the screen. To do so, click in the top banner of any widget and drag the widget to your preferred location.
As you are doing this, a section of the home screen will illuminate indicating where the widget will fall when you let go
When trying to set widgets side by side, sometimes you may need to click on the banner closest to the side that you want the widget to occupy
Soon your home screen will be perfect for your own workflow